Monday 29 February 2016



Toronto, Ontario

“ Jessa started as squiggle and layered from there. The image we see, we want the world to see and the one of distortion.”

Sunday 28 February 2016

Her Head

Her Head

Toronto, Ontario

“With much of my painting and writing, the time between sleep and awake plays a part. Things creep up on me and this painting is one of them. There is a bit more to the image but not that can be written.”

Friday 26 February 2016



Toronto, Ontario

“Flow speaks for itself. Both the paint and I were experiencing the flow of the brush. The colours connected but the flirting was better.”

Thursday 25 February 2016



Toronto, Ontario

“What can I say about Faye? She is strong and knows what she wants to be. And she was to be.”

Wednesday 24 February 2016

What is in a Face?

What is in a Face?

Toronto, Ontario
“I had been sketching out faces for another project. I was questioning what a face shows? Likes - dislikes. Hard life – good life. Then I was seeing music, art, the world. This painting arose out of those thoughts”

Tuesday 23 February 2016

A Trinity

A Trinity

Toronto, Ontario

“I found a recurring theme of Gnostic information in books I was reading. I pondered on what might Jesus and Mary Magdalene looked like? This painting is what rose out of the canvas. I was interested in the simplicity of it.”

Monday 22 February 2016


Grimsby, Ontario

“Tried my hand, literally on a self portrait. I did not use a mirror. I used my fingers and hand to get proportions. Mind memory or assumption as to colours. There is some of me in there.”

Sunday 21 February 2016

Paris Dream

Paris Dream

Toronto, Ontario
In private collection

“Paris Dream did come out of a dream or more a glimpse through the void just before waking. During my 2009 Paris stay I was so happy to be there that even my dreams were filled to the brim with Paris.”

Saturday 20 February 2016

Licking Flames

Licking Flames

Toronto, Ontario
In private collection

“There are days when an empty canvas can be all the fun I need. The music was fun. The sun was bright. I was facing the canvas and a dragon came out of the pencil. The colours flowed. I am glad he turned out fun!”

Friday 19 February 2016

Cafe Afternoon

Cafe Afternoon

Grimsby, Ontario
In private collection

“Walking through Paris cafes are everywhere. The most interesting are off the tourist path. Locals watching the neighbourhood go by. The grand older gentlemen thinking of life gone by as they savour their cafe au lait. “

Thursday 18 February 2016

Breathing Space

Breathing Space
Toronto, Ontario
In private collection

“It was a girl’s weekend at my friend Judi’s cottage on Lake Huron. A time to unwind from the city and relax. Vie and I were discovering the area when we came across the bright yellow fields. With the blue sky and red barns the colours just popped.”

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Friday 5 February 2016

Workspace No. 3

Workspace No. 3
Sometimes only one thing can be done at a time.
The decision is yet to be made here.