Sunday 24 January 2016

Fibre Art Tapestry Series

Fibre Art       Tapestry Series

Series A

I did not have the space to paint but still had the urge to create. I looked in my box of supplies and found a piece of burlap my Gram had given me. Then I found a bag of embroidery thread from past projects. The burlap was really large and the weave was tight so I knew it would take me awhile. I almost stopped right there. Instead I pictured a pattern, closed my eyes, put my hand in the bag of floss and choose a colour. I divided it and thread the needle. I then tossed the burlap and where it fell on the needle I started the pattern. I finished the length of floss and started the process again with a new pattern and colour of floss. It took over two years to complete it was the first in Series A of the tapestry or fibre art collection. I continued in using this process to complete 25. I also used aida cloth instead of burlap for some.

Series B

I used broadcloth instead of aida cloth or burlap. I drew or on a few used the same shapes for a whole piece. This was more about contrast and colour. There are nine in this series.

Series C

I used random running stitches on broadcloth. Using the same colour choice technique in Series A - a limited number of colours picked with closed eyes. I used a small embroidery ring as my limiting frame for the colour and moved it to start the next colour. I am still working on this series.

Series B - Tapestry No. Seven

Series B - Tapestry No. Seven
36" x 40"