Tuesday 16 July 2013


Words. Words. I feel for those with no means of escape or info through words. So many people with things to say and no means of saying it or transmitting info. Wild through and through. Eyes and ears all full. Things are fine fun. Weep for those who are in it. Travel memories transport one far and wide. Beer in twelve. Fine is wine. Life is good. As I know it would. Brain spark. Art one.

Monday 15 July 2013

Where do the painting ideas come from?

Painting is a very intuitive experience and expression for me.
Some come from photos I have taken. A series of family and friend portraits evolved that way.
Most of the structured ones come from my mind's eye, quite often on waking.
The more free flow ones develop as the brush and paint hit the surface.
I only know when a painting is done when I know it is done. Some sit waiting for me to see the next step for days or weeks. Then others are finished in one session.
I really enjoy the non time constrained process. I put no pressure on myself and it flows.

Thursday 4 July 2013