Tuesday 31 December 2013

Friday 27 December 2013

A Pierced Mind

I am thinking that the writing ideas are starting to flow again. Between moving and the holidays my mind was not quiet enough. This morning between sleep and awake I saw new paintings and walked through pieces of new stories. Looking forward to putting them on canvas and 'paper'.

Sage bowl

Wednesday 25 December 2013

The Present
Wishing you all the gift of love and abundance!

Monday 23 December 2013

Monday 9 December 2013

Moved from the city (2.4 million) to a town (25,000). Looking to connect with the art community and found an arts group   Lakeside Pumphouse Artists' Association. They meet every Wednesday afternoon. There is also a town art gallery. It was started by a family friend and my uncle.
For my writing side I am looking into the Writers' Group. They also meet on Wednesdays but at night and only once a month.
Also looking forward to maintaining my city art group. Hoping for a show together in the Spring!

Andie bowl

Monday 2 December 2013

Customer feedback photo!
Those raspberries look great!
Thanks E!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Sunday 17 November 2013

It is all up in the air. Source is sorting it out. At some point I will breathe, look up and open the heart space and arms for the results. I am ready now but the timing is not on yet. So I flow. I flow and am open to what is before me. I flow.

I can keep in touch with my circle - my hugs. Some relationships have strengthen, some stayed the same.  Others well, I might have lost them without realizing it. I guess I will know in the future.

The future - open and full of possibilities.

Emmaline bowl